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The U.S. economy established several (unwanted) records in Q3 2023

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York Center for Microeconomic Data issued its Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit on November 7, 2023.

Commodity markets are affected by the changes in the global economy and economic performance of countries which represent the biggest consumers or producers of commodities.

Total Debt Balance - $17.29 Trillion

In less that 10 years, the total household debt increased from $8.0 Trillion to $17.29 Trillion.

In less than 10 years, the total household debt increased by more than 100%.

Let's examine $17.29 total household debt figure

Credit Card Debt now exceeds $1.0 Trillion

Are payments being made?

TerraManta always suggests to the reader to make their own conclusions.

Why this data matters

In the United States, consumer spending makes up two-thirds of the U.S. economy on average.

Can the consumer continue spending in the era of higher inflation?

Yes - there is always a credit card with a higher interest rate.

What if the consumer cannot pay the monthly credit card bill?

Demand will decrease and certainly impact commodity markets.

Commodities ran, run, and will run the world

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