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TerraManta Inc. Emerges as World Leader in Artificial Intelligence for Commodity Trading

Walter L. Schindler PhD, JD, Serves as a Strategic Advisor to TerraManta Inc. News provided by Transformation LLC on June 12, 2022, 09:24 GMT.


Only disruptive technology can bridge the growing gap between the supply and demand of energy, water, food, and other global resources.”

Walter L. Schindler, PhD, JD continues his path of success in 2022 by serving as Strategic Advisor to TerraManta Inc, the emerging world leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms applied to short-term #commodity trading in all commodities, including #agricultural #commodities, starting with #corn, but currently perfecting the technology through focus on #oil trading because crude oil is the world’s largest market for commodities traders.

The result of all this AI technology is greater resource efficiency and especially the more efficient use of #energy on a global basis.

Pioneering Work

By focusing on Artificial Intelligence as applied to commodity trading, Dr. Schindler continues his pioneering work in Transformation LLC to pursue unique profitable sustainable strategies with maximum global impact. He has partnered with TerraManta for the last five years and has witnessed the improvements in its machine learning predictive analytics each month.

Predictive Accuracy Has Reached 85%

TerraManta Inc. and Transformation LLC are therefore now partners in a new #sustainable #investment strategy by innovating in global resource efficiency through AI and machine learning algorithms. After many years of testing with monthly efficiencies recorded each month, the predictive analytics have now reached an astonishing 85% accuracy in the first 21 days of active trading after the monthly software computation is completed. In addition, Transformation LLC is blessed to have significant equity and profit-sharing agreements with TerraManta.

Leadership in Sustainability

Dr. Schindler has recently added creative sustainable leaders Kat McFarlin and John DeMarco to the team in order to create a new dimension of Transformation: a new “fifth dimension” of media, consulting and distribution services under the heading of The Sustainable Foundation Group, LLC, in order to provide to clients creative advisory support to all forms of #sustainability, including advertising vertical and investment vehicles, and empowering #blockchain and Artificial Intelligence as well as adding editorial disciplines that stretch across all strategic forms of media platforms.

Game Changer of the Year

In past years, Dr. Schindler has been recognized as “Game Changer of the Year” by the London online magazine Lawyer International for the Legal 100 - 2020 awards. In addition, Dr. Schindler has received similar recognition by ACQ5 Magazine and Finance Monthly Magazine. The Lawyers International Legal 100 - 2020 Awards are given to 100 leading firms and individuals within their area of specialization, typically after review of over 100,000 submissions of third-party nominations.

TerraManta confirms that Transformation’s mission is truly “game-changing” by addressing the challenges of the real world with sustainable profit objectives that are based on market returns on equity.

Dr. Schindler added: “I wish to acknowledge publicly with deep gratitude the encouragement of H.R.H The Princess Royal (Princess Anne), who held a private reception and dinner in my honor in November 2016 at St James Palace. She then stated her generous words “to encourage you” when I asked her why she organized the reception and dinner. And in 2017 she organized another special event at Marlborough House for leaders of the British Commonwealth.” Indeed it was just after that event that Dr. Schindler began advising TerraManta.

For More Information

Please contact:

Kat McFarlin


+1 402-258-3717, ext. 1001

For press inquiries please contact:

John DeMarco

The Sustainable Foundation

Global Vice President Communications

+1 310-966-0983

Walter Leo Schindler

Transformation LLC

+1 949-923-1629


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